Plankton is defined as organisms that cannot swim against the current. They have to drift along with the current. You may ask, Why is plankton so important? The reason is that if we didn't have them, we wouldn't have anything else in the ocean. Phytoplankton (plant plankton) is at the bottom of the food chain (or web). The phytoplankton gets it's energy from sunlight. So when other plankton and fish eat the phytoplankton they get their energy from it and so on. Now the zooplankton eat the phytoplankton. Other fish and sea creatures eat the zooplankton and that is why it is so important for us today because it lets us eat the things we do such as fish. The reason why we studied it was because it is so important to know what is all around us in the ocean.
3-Put your plankton net into the water and drag it through the water. Put that sample into a bottle.
We went to Kihei Boat Ramp and had a sample from Ho'okipa. Once we were there we did what the procedure above has said. We took samples and went back to school and examined the plankton.
The average number of plankton we found was 20. We took samples of each location (Kihei Boat Ramp and Ho’okipa) and counted the number of plankton in each sample. We found 19 plankton in the Kihei boat ramp sample and found 21 plankton in the Ho’okipa sample.
This is a copepod that we found.
I don't really know what this is but it's a really cool plankton.
Here are two more copepods that we found.
Here is a graph of what we found:

Nice work Erica! Love the color schemes you have going on. Very good and helpful info about why plankton rules the world. Do you think you could give zooplankton a little bit of a plug in your introduction? Awesome plankton pictures and love the graph. Keep up the good work! Ms. V
hey erica! i love the pink! it is so cute and eye catching. lol. maybe you could like personalize it a teensy little bit? ya know how we arent supposed to use "I" or "ME" forget that! use all the I's and ME's you want! make it yours! lol tootles
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